Guest Bedroom Artwork
I'm always looking for some signs I could create, hang in our house and still not over kill it.
When we had our house warming party 14 months ago (time is definitely flying by) we put a very nice saying in the evite. I decided on using this one for a note to our guests when staying over:
First I printed the words on Vinyl, using my Silhouette
I got a great deal at a home improvement store for lumber .23$!! for a very small piece of plywood
I gave it a thin layer of white paint before sticking the letters on one by one
The hardest part was to peel the letters of the vinyl (the transfer paper is ordered!)
When every single letter was stuck on the board, I sprayed adhesive on it and let it dry.
After that I mixed black and beige acrylic paint
and painted all over the sign
while still wet, I peeled of the letters
and sanded all over the board, so it becomes that old style look
When putting the first nail in the board to hang on the wall, Brian stopped me. He is still not a fan of putting any holes in the walls.. Thank god for double sided adhesive picture hangers!
I really like that sign and hope to welcome lots of guests during the year!
I'm linking up to:
My entry into Strut Your Stuff sponsored by Appliances Online and the Bosch Washing Machines

from Holly @