Vanilla Strawberry Cakepops

Have you read my post about my first cupcake debacle?
Sometimes you are just not so lucky to only have one baking failure.
I had two in a row.
This time I made the same recipe for the vanilla cupcakes but left the berries out. Wondering if they had too much fluid. I instead put some orea cookies in. Again baked at 350F for 18min.
And exactly the same thing happend:
I cut off the sides and put them back into the cup, put them back in the oven and hoped for the best.
I ended up crumbling them into a bowl.
Mixed strawberry frosting under and this time rolled balls out of them.
I placed them in the freezer for a couple days
shaped them as little cupcakes and put a lollipop stick in it.

Vanilla frosting, decorater tube and some golden sprinkels and here you have it.. DON KING POPS
(thats what Brian called them)