Moving along


      Spending some quality time with our boys...

 Playing with Tweety, which doesn't have any filling in it anymore

not scared anymore walking down the stairs

trying to annoy his big brother by biting him in the leg

getting smacked when it's too much

 Playing with Tweety, which doesn't have any filling in it anymore

Then we didnt have too much of a good time. Toby got sick and pooped in his crate (4 times this week) and needed to go to the bathroom every hour for the last two nights.

and had to get a bath

get toweled off

before walking in the rain

and digging in the dirt

finding plastic bottles on the road - best toys ever!


More training

"Lay down"





and "COME"

 and lots of treats on the way

                 More playing


   Getting bigger

Steele loves to get petted

Brushing - or trying to eat the brush

more relaxing on the front porch

Our first visit to the bar

Steele hugging me


Please pet me

Playing together (looks pretty scary, doesn't it?)
Don't even think about breaking in! :)

Playing with Daddy

AND maybe we could make some money with modeling?

Until next time...  


Doro said…
Oh mann, sind die beiden goldig! Aber das sieht auch nach verdammt viel Arbeit aus...Josie mochte das Bild, auf dem die beiden und Brian ein Schlaefchen machen.

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