Doggie Style

We got Steele (February 20, 2012) who was born on January 17, 2007
He is house trained and an amazing loveable dog, is fully house broken and the best brother Toby could have.
On Saturday, February 25th, Toby came to live with us.
He was born December 6th, 2011, had to spent his first few weeks in the hospital but has recovered fully since. He got his second shot past saturday and is doing really well. He is still a little underweight (16pounds instead of 22) and therefore gets almost the same amount of food as his big brother.
Since nobody trained him before we got him, we had to get him used to his collar, leash and of course the biggest challenge - he is not house broken. We taught him already sit and stay and it is already working when putting out his food. He learned pretty quickly. Unfortunately the "peeing only outside" takes a little longer to learn. He doesn't understand the pee pads and is completely confused when he gets picked up (when squatting down on the carpet) and put down on a pee pad. He stopps peeing, chews on the pee pad and wants to get back on the carpet to finish his business. We try to take him outside as often as we can, praise him and give him treats but still there are several accidents happening each day. We will be patient and teach him (hopefully sooner than later) to only go outside.
We can already see him grow up and learn new things each day!
Walking Stairs up and down all by himself! :)

Getting used to each other and even sleeping next to each other in front of the stove

Digging in the mud at the dog park (while no other dogs are around at 7am on a Saturday morning)
Steele's running full speed, ears flying...
while Toby is exploring the area
Chasing and playing with each other
before crashing on the carpet, taking a nap with their daddy
and cuddling together on the pillow
