Home alone with the boys

What a week..
I'm thankful this past week is over. We had a really successful tradeshow here in Atlanta (my company produces tradeshows). After months of planning it went very well with just some tiny hick-ups.

The worst part of the week was that I was away from my little boys and stayed in downtown Atlanta in a hotel for 5 nights. Monday, which was our last exhibitor move in day and a very crazy and stressful day, Brian called me in the morning to tell me that Toby (the 5months old Lab puppy) is throwing up, has diarrhea and isn't moving at all. I was freaking out. The first time I'm away and he gets sick. Brian drove him to the Vet to take blood and X-rays. From the X-rays they noticed that he has metal in his tummy. (Why do Labs eat all that crap? Toby loves dirt, eats rocks in any size, paper, cardboard, napkins, flowers, loves cigarette buds...) 
It seemed very serious that they suggested to have surgery for $$$$. Brian wanted to sleep over that decision, and took him home. He put him on a heating pad for the night, took him out every hour to see if he will pass the metal. He was really worried and scared. He took good care of Toby and stayed home with him the next day. Not being able to be there for them killed me. After a day of bedrest and medication, he got better and started to be himself again. When I came home Thursday night you couldnt really tell that he was sick. Thank god. I'm still squeezing every pooping bag and hope for some metal, but so far there were only two screws and lots of rocks. 
Then on Saturday he got neutered. Dropping him off at the Vet and saying good bye was so hard that I had to cry.  Poor little babyboy. When picking him up that afternoon the Vet told us to keep him quiet for about 2 weeks, not walking stairs, no playing with his brother, no running. The minute we got home he had so much energy ran up and down the stairs and kept trying to interact with Steele. He is running on our walks and has more energy than ever. Awesome!! :)
I'm so happy that he is doing ok, also very sad that we can't have any tiny Toby babies.
Now Brian is gone for 8 days and I'm again a single mom for the week.

Have a nice week everybody!

Carina, Toby and Steele! :)


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