Yard Sale find

Happy Monday Everyone!

My newest toy came from a yard sale. We drove by a neighborhood we have never been to and stumbled across an amazing farm with lake, cows and a so very nice man. We talked for a long time before even looking at his treasures. He had the coolest stuff, an old truck, a cast iron bench with horse carriage wheels, a seating group from wine barrels and what we now call hutch. I saw it and fell in love. For only $45 it was ours. He wrote down his number and said we need to come back to visit. I asked if we could buy his house/farm/awesome land, IT IS FOR SALE.. if he gets the right offer. He turned it down couple months ago when offered 5.5 Million. JUST a tiny bit out of our price range, I guess we come visit then.

Once home I got the sander out, some painters tape and got to work.  

When all the previous stain was gone, it got painted with some pre stain minwax before two coats of Bombay Mahagony Satin stain were applied. This stuff is sticky and I was covered from head to toe.

Look at this difference

First coat done, now 5 hours of drying time - and cleaning myself.

A second coat was applied and about 24 hours later, moved to our dining room where it now fits our bombay stained dining room table. I'm so glad we made the decision to stain it. It looks so much better, what do you think? 
Here are some before and after pictures.  

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Unknown said…
What a great find! It looks fantastic Carina!
Its always fun to find things...
I like to "find" things that I don't even know that I needed. 8~)
Very nice.

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