Get it organized

2012 - and finally the Garage organization is done. Back in April last year (when Borders closed) we got three slat walls besides all the other things we bought.

Two of the slatwalls we hung right away last year, 

 the other one was sitting with lots of crap on the floor for almost a year. BUT THEN... we finally got to it. It was very hard. Those boards are so heavy, it has to sit about 2 feet off the floor and the concrete walls are not as easy to get a screw into anyways. 


It took another trip to a home improvement store b/c the bit got too hot and needed to be replaced.

We also got those baskets (in the picture below) from Blockbusters, which is closing as well.

We bought six of them. Now all three walls are hanging, all tools are neatly placed and it just looks so nice and organized.

 I can't believe all those hooks are already filled with tools.



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