Coffee table turned Ottoman

I had an idea for a while now but unfortunately there are not enough hours in one day to complete all of what is on my to do list. 
Finally I locked myself in the basement this past weekend and in just a couple of hours, my idea was transformed to reality. 
I used an old coffee table (38"x38" square) we bought years ago from a Thrift store. Since then it's home was in the basement and was used to put paint cans on it, saw some wood and collect dust.
 I cleaned it up a bit and hammered leftover 1x4's into the sides for more stability but also to reduce the gap from the top to the legs.
I carried the table outside to spray paint the legs white.
Already hearing the thunder I had to be fast.
It didn't take long, and the table had to come back inside.  

While the legs were drying I took an electrical knife and cut the foam to size.
The edges were rounded to perfectly shape the sides of the table.

After I applied spray glue and attached the foam I laid batting over the foam
With a hand stapler I affixed the batting to all four sides.

At JoAnn's I found this really cute doggie fabric on sale. I had to have it.
Spreading the fabric over the table

and stapling them in on all four sides.

Overlapping the fabric in the corners. While pulling the fabric straight with one hand, stapling them into the wood with the other hand.

And done. The old coffee table - turned ottoman

- turned dog bed.
I sewed a quick pillow to go with it from the leftover fabric.
Finally I took the dog crate apart and stored it in the basement and replaced it with this..





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