New Years Resolution

Hi Friends,

It's me! I know you might not even remember...
For New Years I made the resolution to find time to blog regularly again. One might think that this is not hard at all and a stupid resolution. Let me tell you. When I look at my last post from JUNE.. I think this is just crazy. Life gets so busy at times that it is almost unthinkable to have just a couple of minutes left in the day to do something out of your schedule.
Now that it is almost April, I think I'm going to start with my resolution and at least keep you in on all the cool new things I have planned.

No need to show you all the old saved drafts of our wedding décor/signs etc. Maybe I do a one year anniversary post in 5 months to remember this once in a lifetime event, the crazy and fun times beforehand, the amazing honeymoon in Thailand afterwards and the now blissful marriage! :)

With all this said, we have a lot of work coming up - we bought a cabin in Blue Ridge, GA and are going to close in the next couple of weeks.
The cabin is very cute, has 3 bedrooms and a downstairs area with 2 bunk beds. A total of 10 people could stay there at ones. Unfortunately besides the two bunk beds, it is coming unfurnished. My mind is racing, I already created a mood board to get all the ideas in my head organized.
All the fun projects that come with it. My fingers are twitching as I type this. I did already build some items which I'm going to share with you in the next couple of weeks.

To make the wait worthwhile I'm showing you a picture of the outside of our soon to be mountain retreat.

Email me if you are interested in renting it! :)  I'm so excited to tackle all the little projects, spending quality time with the hubby and our doggies and hopefully make some rental income along the way.
Until next time - very soon.


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