Ugly Chair Transformation

For the last year or so, we have two lovely chairs being part of our family.
Every other weekend Brian wants to drive around checking out yard sales, and every time he comes home empty handed while I bring home STUFF.
While I was on a business trip though several months ago, he called me so very excited and said he found the coolest chairs and without seeing them I told him to get them if he thinks he can do something with them.
I came home to this - 2 of them
Do you see the little wheels on the legs?
One chair still has two, the other one only has one and is wobbly.
So while those chairs were living with us for many moons, I finally started cleaning out our basement trying to get rid of things we definitely won't need anymore. Of course he hasn't touched them to redo them. He buys stuff to buy it, but then forgets about it. Or hopes that I get to it sooner than he will.
I carried those chairs outside and while I had them almost in the trashcan, I just couldn't make me throw them in.
Have you seen the beautiful wood carving?
SO I took them back inside, took off the fabric and all the disgusting layers of stinky sticky and just old batting.
This I thought is really cool. The old springs - 

The part of taking it all apart was just nasty and time consuming, taking out all the nails, screws and getting all the fabric, batting off the chair. I still had no idea what I'm going to do with it. When I saw it naked, it was still pretty ugly and to be honest, we really don't need any more chairs. What we need - for our new cabin - are night stands.
With that in mind I started chopping off the back of the chair and some part of the back legs since they weren't the same height anymore with the little wheels, cut and nailed several pallet wood panels onto the seat part, secured it with a middle board underneath and used lots of wood glue, stained it, sanded it, put wood filler on it, sanded some more, stained some more and fell in love with my new night stand.
What do you think? Isn't it cute?
I painted some black paint over the wood base and wiped it of a couple minutes later to give it a sharper look on the details.
I then used Danish oil for the top coat of the wood panels and I think it turned out beautifully.
Here is our new (old yard sale find) lamp we got last weekend for $3.00
and here it is with the new owl we got at the same yard sale for $1.00
The little guy looked like this
and Brian thought I'm out of my mind buying even TWO of them.
Don't you not think they are the most precious little owls? I'm so happy about that find and they will be just perfect in our cabin.
I spray painted them with a primer first and then added white glossy spray paint.
Look how shiny they came out.
I can't wait to make the second  chair / nightstand transformation - I only need to find another pallet or two first. - maybe next weekend. 
What was your last transformation? 


Heather said…
Wow! Great job! It looks awesome

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