Beauty and the Beach

Isn't signage always a plus?

My american parents bought a beach rental house in Florida. A beautiful home directly on the beach. It is the same style as the 14 others next to it. Unfortuntely if you sit on the beach and want to go back, you better count houses, because they just all look alike. BJ, my american mom asked me a while back if I could help her create a sign for it. I love creating signs - I was all in. Instead of helping her, I decided on giving it to them for their 25. Wedding Anniversary this past August.

I bought some ply wood 2'x3' in size, cut vinyl letters with my silhouette, painted the complete board with a creamy outside paint and stuck the letters on it when it was dry.

Peeling off the backing and making sure everything sits in place,

I painted over all of it with dark green

Let it sit for a couple of minutes,

 then carefully remove the letters.

After two coats of outside wood sealer, it was done.

Now it just needs to be hung! :)


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