Spool to Ottoman

Remember when I found a spool at Home Depot and got all excited?

I had another one in the basement, a lot smaller that I got from one of our tradeshows earlier this year. I was almost as excited about it! :)

Surprisingly I don't have a picture of it and didn't take one until I was way into my project.

I took out the metal stakes that were holding the spool together and ended up with only the top and bottom wooden circle.
In the middle was cheap cardboard and was thrown out.

I cut a 2x4 into 6 pieces, about 8" long and with a nail gun, nailed them to both sides of the wooden circle.

One of the table runners that I made out of burlap for our wedding, needed to be cut in pieces and got stapled all around to the top and bottom of the wooden circles to give it a better shape for later.

I cut 3" foam with our electrical turkey knife into a round shape, the same size as the wooden circle and spray glued it onto one side.

Can you almost see the new ottoman?

Leftover batting covers the complete spool.

I sketched around the wooden circle and marked it onto the left side of an old coffee bag. Cutting it out with about 1.5" space all around. This is going as the top seat cover. The leftover bag was used for the bottom and got sewed into one long piece.

After several fittings it was time to staple the burlap onto the bottom of the chair with lots of stocking it along the way.

I attached some wooden legs to finish it up. 

What do you think?

Pretty Royal isn't it? :)

 Now if I would just be in town to be able to enjoy the new ottoman...


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