Dearest Deer

  Dearest Deer,
When I saw you for the first time, I fell deeply in love. So True.
When a house in our neighborhood burnt down, the family did a yard sale with the remaining items they were able to salvage. For two years now, every time we walked by their house I was telling Brian that I am in love with the deer and owl they had in front of their house.
(The house was in a pretty bad shape and is now completely torn down.)
For only 2$ I bought them! What a steal! The little deer had some roofing material burnt onto the face which I was able to take off. Look at this beauty. 
It is now part in one of our bedrooms in the cabin.
For the bed I made different pillows.
I used screen print for the first time and drew some deer with black fabric paint onto the pillow. It was so easy, I don't know why I haven't tried this before.  
We got the head board from another yard sale.

 Deer Antlers that I found at Good Will finish up the third bedroom.

This is the owl I got.
Of course I needed to do some color changes here. I might have already regretted it. While I'm in love with the color,  I'm still not sure if I should have left it the way it was. Oh well..
This guy is going in our second bedroom but doesn't have a stand yet.
From a road side bed frame which Bj and Tony scored for me, I used the foot board as the head board and hung it under the window. It just needed some sanding and a different stain and was as good as new. Another screen printed pillow, this time with an owl and the room is finally a bedroom. Only thing missing now are night stands. I haven't made up my mind yet on what I would like in that space. Any ideas?
Look at this bear! We got it at an auction and Brian was all over it. I'm not sure where we are going to put it just yet.
The Bathroom has little deer hangers. These were house warming presents from BJ and Tony.
Aren't those adorable?
Finally our backyard retreat for the dogs! :) - We put in a fence to the side of the house for the dogs to run in and not out into the woods. Also makes me feel better to be save from any wildlife that comes across.


Our patio

Can you say H-O-T T-U-B? We got all you need. Lights, Jets and lots of hot water. Also we lost some space in putting it in, we really enjoy having it.
It is so very peaceful.  
There are the weirdest little creatures out there. I have to keep in mind that we are in the woods and that we are in their space not the other way around. Besides spiders which I still scream at every time, there are some very cute looking worms and moths.
We already had to take one tree down that had several branches rub against our window and roof and made the scariest noises at night.
We will now have fire wood in the colder months!
Our upstairs deck has now a game table and 2 wicker rockers in place to enjoy a nice backgammon game on a warm summer night.
Look at the beautiful cushions.
My American mom BJ did an amazing job sewing them. She has a blog you should check out. A full tutorial on how to make those pillows.

This was our house tour - until next time - when there are even more updates to our weekend get away. 


Heather said…
You are doing such an amazing job with this place!!! I hope I can see it in person sometime soon!!!

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