From Trash to Treasure

Long weekends are used by "normal" people to relax or go on a short vacation. For me, it is to tackle a project. My fingertips are itching and I'm getting restless if I don't have a project in line.

For several weeks there was a table sitting in our garage waiting for an idea to update it.

The top was completely destroyed

I found it with this little guy. Remember when I updated the mirror?

I stumbled about a blogpost about a herringbone patterend table redo and new instantly that this is exactly what I need to do with it.

I went to my favorite home improvement store and picked up small paint sticks. The lady in the paint department said that I can only have 10. I asked if I could have more, if I pay her. She got a  bit bitchy and I left with 10, driving to the next store and grabbed about 20. Then had Brian go back and pick up 10 more. I started with 35 small paint sticks. I cut them in half and laid'em out on the old table top.  

I measured the table top and cut a new plywood piece to fit, painted it black and screwed it into the table. Attaching the wood pieces one by one with wood glue. measuring along the way.
I had to go back to the store and get about 20 more sticks to finish the table. Since the pieces didn't match up perfectly, I took wood putty and filled in the spaces. Let it dry and sanded it down. I used sun bleach stain and stained the complete top.



When the top was done I sanded the complete bottom part of the table, painted the legs white and took the bottom apart. The sides were painted white the top was sun bleached as well.


After it was all dry I used Minwax Finishing Wax and wiped it over the stain, let it dry overnight, put wood putty on the sides to finish up the table top and painted it wight.

And a long weekend project came to an end.

What do you think?




It now has its new home on top of our stairs in the hallway right outside the master bedroom. This empty space in the corner was just waiting for this cute table.



Heather said…
I love it!! I have a feeling the paint dept is going to start putting rules on paint sticks BC of all these pinterest projects

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