Happy Easter

This year is my third Easter in the States and I’m still not getting used to not having Good Friday and Monday off. I always liked the long Easter holidays, especially the Easter egg hunts and a very special memory I have, is getting up with my mom and sister at the crack of dawn to go to church. It was all dark, a fire was lit in front of the church, we were standing outside around the fire and listened to the Easter story, prayed and went inside for the ceremony. When I was seven years old I got baptized in the Easter ceremony at 6am in the morning.
This Easter Brian’s mom is coming down with her two grand kids (3 and 6). I wanted to do something fun for them, and when my friend Heather told me that she will bake cake pops for Easter I needed to copy her idea. www.bakerella.com has the coolest things on her website. I decided on the chicken and bunny cake pops. I baked the cake, crumbled it into a bowl and put a full can of frosting in it. After mixing (with my hands) I rolled balls, melted some candy melts and stuck the lollipop stick first in the candy melt, then half way into the ball. I tried a couple of bunny shapes but gave up, they were a little too hard to make. It is so sticky and falling apart easily, that balls were all I had the patience for. All of them went into the freezer for a little while to harden up before I ducked the full ball into the candy melt. It all got pretty messy, but I had so much fun doing them. Of course mine didn’t look as professional and were a little out of shape, but who cares. After a couple hours when everything was dry, I melted some more candy melts, to decorate the balls with faces. I have to say the edible pen was not working for me. It just didn’t write on the hard surface. Not sure if I got the wrong pen, but that part pretty much sucked. I painted some eyes as good as I could – I think they pretty much all look like Chinese chicken (and of course I have the song in my head every time I eat one of them)  

See the bunny in the third row, it kinda looks like a rein deer, thank god I only made about 5! and ate'em all by myself, so nobody really saw them (besides now!)

I have to say, they taste pretty good! I can’t wait for Tyler and Aiden to come see them! J We might even have a little easter egg hung in the back yard. I saw something really funny on TV yesterday, were they colored the eggs camouflage! That made me laugh.

Happy Easter everyone!



Heather said…
I think they are adorable!
Super cute!! They look yum too. Happy late Easter!

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