My new toy..

Last week when we picked up our new dining room table at Borders, I became the lucky owner of a CRAFT ROOM! I’m still so excited about it. My own private room where I can have all my little projects lined up and organized, or just all of them messy, laid out in the room with the door shut. You already think, what does this have to do with a new dining room table? Let me tell you! J We had this spare room before and couldn’t decide what we are going to do with it. We have two guest bedrooms upstairs, one already furnished for guests the other one empty. We were thinking about renting one room, but I’m just not that kinda girl. I need my privacy and want to lay on the couch whenever I want to, without a stranger in my house. I thought about a baby’s room – but I guess that is a little too early. SO I came up with that perfect idea, since the room is empty anyways to have a craft room! Brian gets the garage and I get a room for myself! Deal! So last Saturday when we picked up the table, we put the other dining room table upstairs. I put the new painted dresser in that room as well (I blogged about that dresser already, so I spare you the details). I bought a bookcase from Ikea (love that store!) and organized my new room. I decided it is not bright enough and went to Good Will the next day to check out their stuff. I found a perfect silver floor lamp and ran across that awesome, most beautiful wing chair.

I fell in love right away, BUT it was pretty dirty, I had the wrong car with me and decided to just leave it alone.
I could not sleep that night! Have you ever had that happened to you? I was thinking about that chair, and how it will be gone the next day after work. I couldn’t help but call my American mom Bj to ask what her plans were for the day. I’m a lucky girl! She went with her mother in law right away and because Oma is a senior - she just turned 91 – they got a discount. For a total of 18$ I’m now the proud owner of my first wing chair.
I started taking out staples, which let me tell you, is not as easy and quick as I thought it would be.



But as you can see, I made it! The chair is pretty much naked, all fabric removed. Now the fun and difficult part starts. Picking out fabric, new buttons, get some batting and THEN staple it all to the chair. That sounds so easy and fun!! :) Let’s see if I will need to donate the final result, or if it might be one of my favorite furniture in the house.   

Yesterday I went to Jo-Anns to look for some fabric. I didnt think that this will be so hard.. I walked the aisles about 4 times and couldnt figure out what I want. Solid color too boring, stripes too dificult to get straight. I ended up with a green patterned fabric, but when I came home I already didnt like it anymore. I also bought batting, staples and other small stuff. Today I cut the batting, laid everything in place on the chair and stapled everything to the wood. Now I need to find fabric to put up, maybe I'll go again this weekend.

and here it is..
The fabric I have chosen.

Stay tuned to see more as I update on the progress.


lmabel1140 said…
I am dying to see how you actually piece the fabric back onto the chair. I have a chair that I would love to do this to!

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