Dearest Deer

Dearest Deer, When I saw you for the first time, I fell deeply in love. So True. When a house in our neighborhood burnt down, the family did a yard sale with the remaining items they were able to salvage. For two years now, every time we walked by their house I was telling Brian that I am in love with the deer and owl they had in front of their house. (The house was in a pretty bad shape and is now completely torn down.) For only 2$ I bought them! What a steal! The little deer had some roofing material burnt onto the face which I was able to take off. Look at this beauty. It is now part in one of our bedrooms in the cabin. For the bed I made different pillows. I used screen print for the first time and drew some deer with black fabric paint onto the pillow. It was so easy, I don't know why I haven't tried this before. We got the head board ...