Pallets, Treasures and Road Side Trash
I love rustic - old and cheap, or even better free.
I scored some pallets the other day and was the happiest girl in the world.
What's trash to most, is the biggest treasure in my eyes.
When I researched pricing on beds/headboards to furnish our cabin I came to the realization that with seven beds needed, I have to come up with something even cheaper than cheap.
I just ordered all of our mattresses and bed frames from a big department/grocery store on their memorial day sale event and got those delivered this past Thursday.
It took about an hour to assemble all three frames, the mattresses were in there original shape in just a couple hours after being rolled up and air tight. All in all pretty easy and somewhat affordable.
I sewed pillows and shortened curtains for the two bunk beds downstairs.
I love that we were able to use the electrical ladder for the beds.
Even my new *road side trash chair* found its home and received a facelift - new cushion.
For the queen bedroom upstairs, I wanted a pallet wood head board.
I chopped up three pallets, glued them together and affixed them at the back.
I sanded and stained and sanded and stained some more.
and in the end used a vinegar and steel wool mixture to darken the boards.
Aren't they beautiful?
That heavy beast was in our basement for several weeks and finally made its way up to the cabin.
With several nails in place this beauty isn't going anywhere.
The night stands that we got from our auction had some burned stains on top. I didn't know what to do besides painting them a different color. Have you heard of milk paint? Its a powder which you mix up with water. I mixed white and French grey together and gave it two coats before using Polyurethane to protect it.

One by one, slowly our rooms are coming together. The queen mattress that we bought is very comfortable. Coming from a King bed at home, the queen is still lots of space to share with another person. If you happen to have two huge doggies, you better not invite them to be part of your nightly rest though. They've slowly taken over the bed that I almost ended up on the dog pillow myself.
In the end it looks like a bedroom - finally.
Decision has to be made now if the dresser stays the original color or if it should be in the grey color as well. Maybe next weekend.