Eye Chart

Trying to figure out our wide open living room space and bare walls. Brian still doesn't want to put holes into the walls which makes it difficult to decorate. When we had a contractor over a couple months back they dropped off two 2'x8' plywood sheets by mistake and never picked them up. I was a little upset first before I realized that I can make signs out of them. I was one happy girl. We carried those huge very heavy boards inside and I forgot about them until recently. I saw so many eye charts floating around on the web and wanted to make one as well. Having a hard time figuring out what to write since it needs to fit perfectly in the rows 1 22 333 4444 55555 666666 7777777 Finally I came up with our birthdays, who needs letters anyways. Numbers are the new letters. Brian, me, Steele and Toby (the dogs of course are part of this) The complete board was covering up our dining room table...