You can count to five...

I promised I will put some of my last craft projects down, and here we go - count to 5!

1) YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE. It just looked so nice and got my mood up that I had to sit down right away and got the paint brush out. I just need to find the perfect spot now in the house.


    ... my Pinterest copy

2) Another Pinterest idea which I had to steal..  

Pinterest....                 ... my Pinterest copy

Since I love Letters, I had to do a "B" as well - You could say "B" and "C" come in a package! :)

3) A 3 hour trip to Jo-Anns ended up with a lot of Fall decorations in my cart and in the end two nice Fall Wreaths for our front door!

4) More Fall decorations around the house...

the fireplace:



You can read about our dining table make-over here.
All the pumpkins and corn came from our recent trip to Burt's Pumpkin Farm. If you ever head up to North Georgia (Dawsonville) you should definitely drive by there. It's awesome. The placemats came from Bed Bath and Beyond.

5) Last but not least some new curtains. Now that it is getting dark so early again and I kinda feel uncomfortable to sit inside for everybody walking by to see... I sewed some curtains to cover our high glass front door. I put some lining behind it, so from the outside where the door is red, the curtain shows white.

I hope you are having an inspired craft week. I have some more projects lined up and try to stay up to date by posting more often.

Thanks for reading!! :)



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