The Nursery - Final reveal

I know you couldn't wait any longer to find out if we are going to have a boy or girl. I don't keep it any longer from you, I promise. Both of us wanted a boy, but really just a healthy little baby is all we asked for. Since I don't count to the younger childbearing generation anymore, there were some tests that I had to do. One of them is for down syndrome. Scary stuff, let me tell you. With that test though, you can find out the gender and when I received the call with the results, I immediately started crying. Happy and over the moon that the baby is completely healthy but totally in shock that it is a.... CAN YOU SAY BOY??? No wonder I have hair growing like crazy in my face, all this testosterone in me probably doesn't help the weirdest pregnancy outcomes. At least (so far) I haven't been too bitchy, hormonal. Don't ask Brian though, he would probably tell you differently. I called Brian to tell him and the only thing he sa...